Tweets from 2009-07-23

  • Grrr, TTA (regional bus) running almost 10 minutes late. Again. #weneedrail #
  • Kudos to @smalljones & @ibiblio for being part of advocating gov’t use of #opensource software (@oss) #
  • @BrianR Happy 3rd anniversary to us! πŸ™‚ in reply to BrianR #
  • @tbeckett Me (JK)! I have teh Goog Voice, but I don’t think we have the ability to send invites to others (yet)… in reply to tbeckett #
  • No!Rtwt @freedarko: Is it weird to say that “Maus”, not “Schindler’s List,” really got the Holocaust revival going? #
  • Rtwt @culturekitchen: POLL: Can’t a black man be a prick w/ police inside his home without having to fear arrest? #
  • You know that feeling of being so stuffed that you can’t imagine eating another thing? I haven’t felt that way in months! #lactation #
  • A million thanks to my friends Jeff & Melissa for taking care of Izzy so we could have a date night. I look forward to returning the favor. #
  • Enjoying yr tweets from #xxmerge @dav, @rossgrady, & @sassafrassv. Have fun for me! πŸ™‚ #

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Tweets from 2009-07-22

  • RT @Mlsif: Google is personalizing search, making it “better for shopping and worse for learning,” @sivavaid sez. ++++ #isdt09 #
  • Yay, my office is no longer hot and plastic-smelly! It’s the little things… #
  • @WomenWhoTech Hey, my husband is friends with the singer of the Pie Tasters! #randomconnections #granfalloon #ska in reply to WomenWhoTech #
  • Heh. Rtwt @nprpolitics: McCain, GOP Apologize To Jackson Browne #

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Tweets from 2009-07-21

  • @zdislaw That is the rub isn’t it? Such a delicate balance… in reply to zdislaw #
  • I can haz on my #Pre! (Now, where’s #
  • Brilliant! (Of course.)Rtwt @BoraZ: Douglas Adams 10 years ago: β€˜How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet’ #
  • OK @somafm, kudos on the webapp for the #Pre, but it shows no track info & doesn’t allow control from other pages. Needs work. #
  • Just added @UNC_CHATfest to my calendar for February 2010. #
  • Hee hee. Rtwt @smalljones: Into what? RT @nathanhewitt: S.C. gov says God will change him #
  • Rtwt @silverbell: Love to the Beastie Boys and a speedy recovery for Adam: #
  • Just got my Airave from Sprint and it’s working great. 5 bars (but no EvDo). It didn’t even need the GPS antenna. (Sorry @rossgrady.) #
  • @rossgrady No, but I do live in a 30-yr-old townhouse nestled deep in the Bolin Creek valley. Everyone gets bad reception here (if any). in reply to rossgrady #

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Tweets from 2009-07-20

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Tweets from 2009-07-19

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Tweets from 2009-07-18

  • 4 hours of child care so I can work, but no coffee in the house! Wish me luck. #
  • The reality-based Whitehouse. RT @whitehouse: Vivek Kundra & IT Dashboard, FTW: #
  • Been trying to use @packagetrackr on my Pre and Mac. It’s so *almost* awesome. But in fact, it just doesn’t work. #
  • OK, I take it back, @packagetrackr mostly works. I like that I can use iPhone-designed webapp on my Pre. Not as easy as @trackthis yet. #
  • Looks good. Rtwt @tjstankus: @ruby Maybe @packagetrack will work for you? Developer @renprovey is a local. #
  • @precentral I watched one on YouTube earlier and it was horrible. Quite a turnoff, and nothing to do with what the Pre does. in reply to precentral #
  • Rtwt @smalljones: Looking for videos, photos & other references to John Cage & mushrooms (in particular to his Mushroom Book) #
  • Rtwt @IzzySinreich: I can haz toes! #

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Tweets from 2009-07-17

  • Trying to rectify my undercaffeinated, hungry, & underawake state before a 10 am meeting. #
  • Rtwt @luckywhitegirl: Chipotle’s PR scam Call on Chipotle to stand up 4 FL farmwrkrs. #FoodInc #
  • Have now been on the phone for over an hour with Sprint trying to get them to *sell* me an F-ing Airave. Wish I could buy it at the store. #
  • I love that Pat Buchanan is trending on Twitter after an especially racist & ignorant performance on @Maddow. Time to let him go, MSNBC. #
  • @pink_plaid I could have told you that. Step away from the remote… in reply to pink_plaid #

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Tweets from 2009-07-16

  • Rtwt @duncanmurrell: Welcome to Carolina del Norte, Bernie Madoff! Hands off my 401K. #
  • Dear Town o Chapel Hill, wifi @ parking lots but not bus stops = lame. PS: pls consider cleaning the main block of our main st occasionally. #
  • Oh my last tweet should have said Dear @townofchapelhill. At least they’re on Twitter… #
  • Rtwt @smalljones: RT @Pew_Internet: 75% of online adults 18-24 have profile on a social network site. #
  • @erincrouse Does the @townofchapelhill clean private prop as well? The former student travel place is disgusting. But so is the bus stop. in reply to erincrouse #
  • Ooops, those tweets should have been at @townchapelhill. I’ll get it right eventually. #
  • Had a brainstorm & realized that paying Sprint for this would cost less than the VOIP line that I hardly use anyway. #
  • @rossgrady Oy vey. Thanks for the heads up on the Airave. in reply to rossgrady #
  • . @rossgrady If I had a strong signal from Sprint, I wouldn’t need the dang Airave. I’ve seen some good & some bad reports about it online. in reply to rossgrady #
  • @rossgrady My phone has GPS, does that help? in reply to rossgrady #
  • Rtwt @asmartbear: Help by donating old computers! They go to needy families in Austin. Tax write-off too. #
  • Rtwt @neilhimself: (@fabulouslorrain for Neil): At 2:40pm EST today, Neil will be on NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” talking about Batman! #
  • Am getting tired of submitting “support tickets” to get a developer to implement things that I know are built in to the platform (#Drupal). #
  • Experiencing a new parent rite of passage: sick babysitter. (Fortunately we haven’t had to deal with a sick baby yet. Knock wood.) #
  • . @msfour The babysitter is so I can go to work and feed the family! Not a luxury or even a option. in reply to msfour #

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Tweets from 2009-07-15

  • Imagine a car that was built by people who didn’t understand how to drive. Some web site developers seem this clueless about online comms. #
  • My friend & media superstar Jon K! UtneReader: Building a Better Arm: Amputee helps engineer his future (Via @gazebo72) #
  • Open source groupware, built on drupal. IRtwt @ericg: Open Atrium is now in open beta! Download the code from #
  • Dear regional transit authority: why do schedule the 2 Durham-Chapel Hill routes right after one another? It increases the wait & confusion. #
  • Rtwt @markwynns: Facebook announces that ALL your private messages/photos will be going public. (via @jerseyred) #
  • @markwynns You know you can change your FB settings, right? in reply to markwynns #
  • RT @pattychasevan: Updated version of changes to Facebook privacy settings: . Irresponsible of NYT not to update! #
  • Just spent an hour researching and trying 3 different web apps for managing grocery lists. they all sucked and barely functioned. πŸ™ #

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Tweets from 2009-07-14

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