- Rtwt @duncanmurrell: Welcome to Carolina del Norte, Bernie Madoff! Hands off my 401K. #
- Dear Town o Chapel Hill, wifi @ parking lots but not bus stops = lame. PS: pls consider cleaning the main block of our main st occasionally. #
- Oh my last tweet should have said Dear @townofchapelhill. At least they’re on Twitter… #
- Rtwt @smalljones: RT @Pew_Internet: 75% of online adults 18-24 have profile on a social network site. http://ow.ly/gHZT #
- @erincrouse Does the @townofchapelhill clean private prop as well? The former student travel place is disgusting. But so is the bus stop. in reply to erincrouse #
- Ooops, those tweets should have been at @townchapelhill. I’ll get it right eventually. #
- Had a brainstorm & realized that paying Sprint for this http://snurl.com/na4cx would cost less than the VOIP line that I hardly use anyway. #
- @rossgrady Oy vey. Thanks for the heads up on the Airave. in reply to rossgrady #
- . @rossgrady If I had a strong signal from Sprint, I wouldn’t need the dang Airave. I’ve seen some good & some bad reports about it online. in reply to rossgrady #
- @rossgrady My phone has GPS, does that help? in reply to rossgrady #
- Rtwt @asmartbear: Help http://linuxagainstpoverty.org by donating old computers! They go to needy families in Austin. Tax write-off too. #
- Rtwt @neilhimself: (@fabulouslorrain for Neil): At 2:40pm EST today, Neil will be on NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” talking about Batman! #
- Am getting tired of submitting “support tickets” to get a developer to implement things that I know are built in to the platform (#Drupal). #
- Experiencing a new parent rite of passage: sick babysitter. (Fortunately we haven’t had to deal with a sick baby yet. Knock wood.) #
- . @msfour The babysitter is so I can go to work and feed the family! Not a luxury or even a option. in reply to msfour #
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