Hello, friends. Many of you have helped me by reaching out to your personal contacts who work at Twitter or Dreamhost, and some have even written angry letters to them. I appreciate this support. Although it hasn’t had any visible impact yet, there must be a point at which it can break through the wall.
I can understand that they don’t know if I’m really me, but many of you actually know me. You are friends here in NC, you are colleagues in nonprofit tech, and you have been following me on Twitter for 6 years or more. And you know that I would never do this:

When my account used to look almost like this (the screenshot was taken after the hacking started, but before the account was wiped out):

As I posted earlier, my next step is going to be contacting the FBI and it really does not sound like fun. I can barely keep up with my life as it is (family, job, changing passwords on every account ever, etc.) without making a campaign out of this, so I need your help. I’d like to ask everyone to make one last attempt to reach some human beings at Twitter and especially at Dreamhost. Even if you don’t know anyone who can intervene directly, just retweet/share the link to this page.
Ever since reading last year about the epic hacking of Mat Honan , all for his short Twitter ID “@Mat” I have been worried the same thing might happen to me. Fortunately, I haven’t handed over quite as much of my life to Apple as Mat had done. But I still get nervous whenever people try to hack into my Twitter account, which has been tried repeatedly. Twitter has always ignored my requests for attention to this.
That shit did hit the fan this weekend. I managed to restore several key accounts and nothing has been irreversibly damaged that I know of (yet). However, I am still locked out of Twitter and even worse my entire Dreamhost account (including domain names, e-mail addresses, and web sites) are in the hands of my hacker.