During University Day 1976, students protested the reallocation of Upendo Lounge in Chase Hall. (The Daily Tar Heel, October 13, 1976.)

Student activism is UNC

I’ve been enjoying this excellent UNC History site with an interactive timeline of the successful student activism that led to the creation of the Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History that we know and love today.

Don’t let Carol Folt or anyone else tell you activism is anathema to The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNC students have been on the vanguard of social changes for many decades, and our state is the better for it.

See also the 1960s Speaker Ban, organizing food workers and housekeepers, and hosting the first-ever student environmental conference in 1989. That’s just a handful of examples off the top of my head. UNC’s legacy IS activism. Even if you never picked up a sign or chanted a slogan, if you live in NC you benefitted from that spirit of optimism and change.


Photo: During University Day 1976, students protested the reallocation of Upendo Lounge in Chase Hall. (The Daily Tar Heel, October 13, 1976.) http://unchistory.web.unc.edu/building-narratives/sonja-haynes-stone-center-black-culture-history/ 

Gratitude and mindfulness

So thankful to have a mindfulness practice and to receive this insightful and badly-needed Buddhist perspective from a senior disciple of Thich Nhat Hanh. A Buddhist monk explains mindfulness for times of conflict: “Compassion is not sitting in your room; it’s actually very active and engaging”

Also appreciating the wise tweets of Buddhist teacher and author Ethan Nichtern right now. Among all the fake Buddhist ideas, the idea of maintaining “neutrality” is the most damaging now. It’s about being truthful, not neutral.

Online organizing quickie

I recently needed to collect some links about online organizing and outreach for a colleague. These are mostly pretty quick reads for the organizer-on-the-go.

In toolkit form (very handy): http://www.onenw.org/toolkit/online-organizing
In traditional form: http://www.bloggerrelations.com
In very short form: http://www.echoditto.com/best/organizing
In manifesto form: http://culturekitchen.com/the_cluetrain_manifesto_for_people_powered_politics
In guide form: http://www.epolitics.com/2006/07/03/online-politics-101-introduction-to-online-politics/
In wiki form: http://advocacy2.org

lag4peace: Don’t Iraq Iran

FOR's virtual office Tomorrow a large coalition of activists is organizing a series of events in Second Life to raise awareness about preventing a war with Iran. I’m really excited about it and I will be there most of the day helping out as a media contact. This event also inspired me to add some Iran info to the virtual office for my organization the Fellowship of Reconciliation (seen at left).

There is a whole day of events, but if you don’t want to be there all day, please come and check out the keynote and opening rally at 11:45am EST. It will be at the Commonwealth Assembly Area which can hold over 300 avatars (a lot for SL!).

Full info about the day of events is below. Sorry to post the entire press release, but this info doesn’t seem to be online anywhere else.
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