Republcan NC GA leaders Moore & Berger

Republicans hate democracy and fair play, part eleventy million

So in case you have better things to do than watch #democracy being dismantled by the #NCGOP at unpredictable hours in Raleigh, here is an important #NCpol update:

After closing the emergency #NCGA session for hurricane (and wildfire) relief funding, the Republicans opened a new session in which Democrats are not permitted to submit any bills, and are now proposing surprise legislation to limit the powers of the governor since the people of North Carolina rejected their incompetent leader. They plan to vote TONIGHT.

Please spread the word so they know we see them, and follow these accounts for updates:

Photo credit: Charlotte Observer

Keep Pounding: how grassroots organizing and popular protest defeated NC’s bathroom governor

Analysis from Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling on how Pat McCrory shoved through unpopular policies (including but very definitely not limited to HB2) and then wasn’t able to hide from the people thanks to the Moral Monday protest movement!

Pushing back hard on McCrory worked. The seeds of his final defeat today were very much planted in the summer of 2013. And it’s a lesson for progressives in dealing with Trump. Push back hard from day one. Be visible. Capture the public’s attention, no matter what you have to do to do it. Don’t count on the media to do it itself because the media will let you down. The protesters in North Carolina, by making news in their own right week after week after week, forced sustained coverage of what was going on in Raleigh. And even though it was certainly a long game, with plenty more frustration in between, those efforts led to change at the polls 42 months after they really started.

Keep Pounding.

Source: Why Pat McCrory Lost and What It Means in Trump’s America – Public Policy Polling

Links of the day – If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention

Here is some good stuff I posted on social media recently:

So Long DP, It’s Been Swell

On the question of the whether John Edwards will help or hurt Erskine Bowles. I just posted the following comment at

If Bowles can’t take advantage of the increased Democratic resources flowing into N.C., it’s his own fault. Have you seen his site lately? I’m glad to see it’s been redesigned, but it’s now apparent that he’s running in the wrong primary.

The headlines:
“Homeland Security”
“Lowes Motor Speedway… Richard Petty .. Bush series”
“Fiscal Discipline… Republicans and Democrats Together”
“Fight special interests”

I sure want to beat Richard Burr, but I’m still waiting for one compelling reason to help Bowles.

I am increasingly convinced that Clinton spoiled the already-ailing Democratic party when he played his presidency so thoroughly to the center. It clearly worked for him personally, but it’s something other Dems can’t do without outright imitating Republicans. And even if they could get away with it, what’s the point?

What the hell are they fighting for? I look forward to the Democratic Party’s ultimate demise, although it’s going to be a rough time for the country until someone else gets their shit together.