- NPR story rt now on U.S. military helping Mexico. They don’t need more guns, they need more democracy! When will we learn? #
- w00t! My local Planned Parenthood affiliate is on Twitter! Everyone give @PPCNC some love. #
- Ooh, just discovered there’s a local chapter of @momsrising. Sign me up! #
- Thank you #DemocracyInAction for logging me out and losing the entire e-mail I spent the last hour composing. #
- I think there is something about caffeine (or more accurately the lack of it) that actually makes me retarded. #
- Here’s a tip for the job hunters out there: don’t include your experience sterilizing needles at a tattoo parlor for an online content job. #
- @rachelannyes That could totally be relevant – at the right job. 😉 in reply to rachelannyes #
- @jessrodg Sadly, yes. Two different tattoo parlor jobs listed on the resume for a job that mostly requires knowledge of HTML & Drupal. in reply to jessrodg #
- @nprscottsimon How about the dedication of a historic highway marker in N.C. for the first freedom rides – in 1947? http://is.gd/l97y in reply to nprscottsimon #
- It’s good once in a while to run an errand at rush hr on I-40… on Friday afternoon… in the rain… Makes me appreciate telecommuting! #
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