Tweets from 2009-02-25

  • @susanmernit I think a lot bloggers will (and already do) fill the gaps left by both local and national journalists. #
  • Just had the best midwife appointment evar. Need to get her sched so I can go into labor during her shift. 😉 #
  • @tubafrenzy How much do you think UNC could save if they switched from Microsoft to OpenOffice? #
  • @matusiak Ah, so the real trick is getting the entire campus to switch to Linux… in reply to matusiak #
  • RT @orangepolitics: RT @CarrboroCitizen: Doc Screening “You Don’t Have to Ride Jim Crow” (More: #
  • Retweeting @UNC_Health_Care: RT @newsobserver: UNC study tackles anxiety during pregnancy… #
  • Just watched the full “You Don’t Have to Ride Jim Crow” doc. Can’t wait to show it w/ the filmmaker at the Horace Williams House tmrw (7pm). #

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