- Just wrote a really frustrated e-mail, restraining myself form sending it… for now, at least. #
- @gregoryng A benefit to pre-assembled gifts is kids won’t get clued in to what might not be brand new. Could be handy. in reply to gregoryng #
- Sometimes I’m in a good mood despite shitty experiences, today is the opposite. #
- @pink_plaid Awww. I just snagged that image off Flickr. No knitters in my family, but my mom wants to make a quilt. in reply to pink_plaid #
- @idealist_org IMO it’s fine to have some auto-generated tweets, but you need to ALSO read and respond to other ppl. Have conversations. in reply to idealist_org #
- Yay, just found out I don’t have to go to DC during inaugration madness! Whew. #
- @idealist_org I still think it’s OK to feed your RSS to Twitter – w/in reason. eg: the balance of blog v. conversation at http://is.gd/d9EJ in reply to idealist_org #
- Downloading this poster about “10 things science says will make you happy.” http://tinyurl.com/6osavo New desktop? #
- Emergency bagel run. #
- Another fun conversation at work about budget cuts! #
- Retweeting @jjpolitics: Post: Will Rick Warren Get a Pass, While Jeremiah Wright Is Flung Under The Bus? http://twurl.nl/zsis5d #
- Woo hoo, @MartyKearns is on the Twitter! Welcome to the fray. #
- Hell naw! Retweeting @skeskali: GTFOOH Warren is speaking at the King Convocation on MLK day. Somewhere, Coretta is spinning in her grave. #
- No pub? Why not notify members before press? Rtwt @underthedome: NC NAACP will hold a rally on Christmas Eve. http://tinyurl.com/9kbrja #
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