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Diverse communities are strong communities

Last week I was proud to represent Drupal Diversity and Inclusion at DrupalGovCon. Along with Dori Kelner, I co-presented a session to help people understand the challenges we face as a community and what DDI is doing about it.

You can see our slides overlayed with the audio of our talk here:

Facebook 101 for nonprofits

I wrote the following in response to a request to give an overview of how board members can use Facebook Causes to help the organization where I work, the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR). I thought it would make a handy reference for other organizations taking baby steps on Facebook.

This advice is intended for people that are already using Facebook (or who want to use it). The power of this tool is through your own social networks (friends, family, colleagues) and you will find it takes time and energy to develop your Facebook network, if your friends are on Facebook at all. Please do not join just for the purpose of helping FOR, but instead use your personal networks wherever they may exist (church, organizations, work, neighbors, friends, etc.).

Starting with the simplest, here are three easy ways to promote an organization on Facebook:
Continue reading “Facebook 101 for nonprofits”

Blogging for community organizations

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Thanks to The People’s Channel for inviting me and Brian to come and help lead a discussion about blogging for their Community Media Workshop Series. For folks who were there, here are some links related to our dicussion:

  • Ruby’s list of what makes a blog (and some more background we didn’t discuss)

    1. first-person voice
      blogs increasingly have more credibility than the MSM because they are more authentic and believeable.
    2. community dialogue
      either through comments on the blog, or discussion between blogs
    3. archive & permalinks
      archives by date and sometimes by category or by author as well. permalinks allow others to refer directly to a specific post, encourages inter-blog dialog.
    4. database back-end
      this may be the least important, but is essential to emerging tools like aggregators that use syndicated content

  • Online communication tips including 10 social media tools to check out

  • So you wanna start an advocacy blog

Each of the post listed above links to tons more resources here and on other sites. Please explore…