Tweets from 2009-02-22

  • @valdiskrebs Transparency Camp sounds great! I’ll be watching from afar for lessons to apply to our local governments. in reply to valdiskrebs #
  • Back from my mom’s baby shower. It was for my baby, but it was really her party. Now back to baby research & maybe watch a little Oscars. #
  • A yo me gusta Penelope Cruz. #
  • Hey #Oscars, can only men be producers, cinematographers, etc? Then stop saying HE all the time. #
  • I actually <3 musicals (esp Cole Porter, Leonard Bernstein) but why is Beyonce *everywhere*? #
  • @dweinberger Your commentary makes the #Oscars worth watching. Much gratitude. in reply to dweinberger #
  • Heath Ledger = Least surprising #Oscar of the night. #
  • OK, I saw “Man on Wire” at the Doubletake Doc Film Fest, where it also won the prize, but I just don’t get why ppl like it so much. #
  • @ayse I wish I had seen more of the documentaries as well, esp. “Trouble the Water.” in reply to ayse #
  • Apparently all film editors are also men. #oscars #
  • @nathanhewitt I’m with you. I think the Dark Knight was a good action flick, but nothing special. #oscars #
  • @nathanhewitt But I must differ with you on Wall-E. I found it 5% plot, 90% effects, and 105% saccharine. Feh. in reply to nathanhewitt #
  • In #pregnancy news, my birth plan is pretty much done, and I’m learning about cloth diapers. Whee. #
  • @tbeckett Kewl. Does she have favorite web sites for buying cloth diapers, especially starter kits? Other guides? in reply to tbeckett #
  • Sean Penn to the Academy: “You commie, homo-loving sons of guns.” 😉 Go #Oscars! #
  • Reading about different kinds of poops and their containment methods turns out to be very consistent with watching Hollywood love itself. #

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