- @msfour How old is the nephew? If younger, I’s start w/ some innocent counter-racist comic aimed at kids. Link ideas to hurting real ppl. in reply to msfour #
- Somepeople really knwo how to take a challenging situation and make it much, much worse. #
- @randomdeanna I don’t read http://blog.iblamethepatriarchy.com nearly enough, so tweet away! in reply to randomdeanna #
- @msfour OK, nephew needs a nonviolent smackdown. I’d address 1) That he’s hurting ppl, including yr sons. 2) His employability. Screenshots. in reply to msfour #
- @msfour A lot of people are cutting spending because they expect to have less money in the future, if they don’t already. in reply to msfour #
- Happy Kwanzaa, @shauenv (and anyone else feeling the unity)! #
- @margot_lester I think my new year’s resolution will be to meditate more. in reply to margot_lester #
- However reluctantly one steps up to lead, there is always some fool who thinks you’re trying to control. Pot, kettle, etc. #
- Now officially beginning 9 days of vacation. Woo hoo! #
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