- @gugek As do you – with extra credit for the bike! Hope you enjoyed yr bus ride this morning. in reply to gugek #
- @garlin I believe South Carolina marriages also don’t require a Social Security number. in reply to garlin #
- RT @orangepolitics: Oooh, TTA is considering adding wifi to regional buses! Let ’em know what you think: http://triangletransit.org/wifi #
- Rtwt @Will_Bunch: is blogging on why Palin was “hounded” out of office by ethics probes — b/c SHE WAS UNETHICAL! http://tinyurl.com/lb3zpj #
- Wanted to go to Banh’s for the Wednesday special, but Durham public transit sucks. Walking to the greasy chinese cafe near my office now. #
- @agenthandy Funny how they always seem to have that effect on people… in reply to agenthandy #
- @DavidBThomas Just e-mail to Flickr, no? More at http://www.flickr.com/tools/mobile/ #
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