4 thoughts on “Radical relief

  1. the link for Socially Responsible Hurricane “Katrina” Aid no longer works as of 09/13/05 4:15pm PST [it wasn’t working late afternoon before 6pm PST yesterday either].

  2. That’s weird. It looks like the entire Radical Reference site is down. 🙁

    Some other great resources are:
    The open-source Katrina People Finder Project: http://www.katrinalist.net/
    If you’re in North Carolina: http://www.katrinanc.com/
    Sparkplug foundation: http://www.sparkplugfoundation.org/nolacommunityoversight.html
    Grassroots efforts: http://katrina.mayfirst.org/

    And according to radical NOLA organizer Jordan Flaherty:

    Below are some small, grassroots and New Orleans-based resources, organizations and institutions that will need your support in the coming months.

    Social Justice:

    Cultural Resources:

    Current Info and Resources:

    Jordan is a union organizer and the partner of a friend of mine. Here’s his tale of getting out of New Orleans and what to do next.

  3. Also, there is some really awesome stuff at The New Orleans Network which is where I first came across Jordan’s writing.

    Welcome to the New Orleans Network. This site is a tool to help people in the New Orleans and Gulf Coast area stay connected to the communities they love, access and share resources, and begin the discussions we need to be having about our past, present, and future. This site is a tool to help us rebuild our social circles, our neighborhoods, the different communities we participate in, and our cities. This site is also a tool to address the challenges this city has always faced, and widen our imagination of how it can be a better, more just, more beautiful place to call home.

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