8 thoughts on “No dice

  1. Ruby, I’m on and have been since the help desk connected me. Hope you can stay connected. Pretty cool to be sitting near you and watching you liveblog – all the times I’ve read your conference liveblogging from afar.

  2. Thanks Anton. Your questions in this session have been excellent. I am not blogging about this session because it’s a combination of things I already know and things I don’t agree with. Maybe I’ll write about it later when I’m less pissed off…

    I have been watching Technorati, but haven’t seen any other liveblogging yet.

  3. Yeah, right. How is that different from Ruby any other time, Justin? 😉

    To be fair, since I started this thread, I’ve been able to get online about 80% of the time.

  4. Wonder if there’s a difference between Ruby being “pissed off” and Ruby being engaged in the discussion? I enjoyed meeting you today and hope we can be in a session tomorrow (where I can sit down for more than 10 minutes).

    Someone wanna do something about this rain?

  5. I apologize for the WiFi coverage. We only had 4+ months to plan the conference and I got word on the WiFi changeup literally 24 hours before T-0.

    Next year, even if it’s going to cost me out of pocket… I’ll make sure ConvergeSouth has the correct I-net hook up.

    Thanks for coming!

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