- Third morning blowout in a row. Getting pooped on & throwing my clothes &a sheets in the washer is becoming part of my morning routine. #
- @chillnc Great meeting you too, and I already noticed the inputs are bigger on @trixietracker. Thanks! in reply to chillnc #
- 4 BR townhouse next door to me for rent. Call 919-428-5151. #
- So far today, Izzy & I have taken out the garbage, checked the mail, and done 2 loads of laundry. #
- Oh, also made a breakfast burrito (possibly my favorite food). Next: errands. Whee. #
- Oh also Izzy had a bath! Later: fold laundry, make bed, recycle. Eat? Can’t wait for the weekend to be over so I can get a break. #
- @midcenturysal It’s true – I’ve got it good in so many ways. Thx for the reminder. 🙂 in reply to midcenturysal #
- Going with @brianr & @izzysinreich to see Star Trek under the stars in Southern Village tonight. (Thx to a tip from @secantnet.) Y’all come! #
- @cwhittle Movie @ 8:45. We hope to get there around 8. in reply to cwhittle #
- @rashmi The parallel Facebook mechanism to retweeting is Share. in reply to rashmi #
- …and the movie got rained out. It would have been my first big screen show in months. What a disappointing end to a generally shitty day. #
- @pink_plaid Wow that’s sweet. I’d settle for coming over for a rental. And @dcm, that is some consolation. Better luck to us tomorrow. in reply to pink_plaid #
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