- Rtwt @jaketapper: AP from Iran: riot police attacking protesters w/ tear gas, & firing live bullets in the air to disperse rally in Tehran. #
- @tubafrenzy Giving up on the Palm Pre? in reply to tubafrenzy #
- Rtwt @xarker: When Roddenberry launched Star Trek, it was subversive on Vietnam, Cold War & race & gender. What would it subvert today? #
- Next U.S. Social Forum will be Detroit 2010! Rtwt @ussf: RT Another. World. Is. Possible. June 22, 2010. #USSF2010 http://pitch.pe/14385 #
- Rtwt @ludovicspeaks: Just read Thomas’ anti-Voting Rights Act brief. I now support black disenfranchisement at the Supreme Court level… #
- @msfour Ditto @davidb! #
- Rtwt @FORpeace: blog: Freedom bowing to Freedom: The people of Iran sing from their rooftops at night. http://tinyurl.com/kssfq5 #
- Chuck’s back! Rtwt @Chuckumentary: HELLO, WORLD ♥♥♥ Thanks @delbius ♥♥♥ Pants status: ♥♥♥ #
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