- Just home from a memorial svc & abt to start watching UNC wmn in ACC basketball semifinal. Trying to read @natthedem’s game tweets! #
- @davidb How did you get into that? Do you need to be rescued? #
- @davidb I’m here for you. Maybe you can sneak out while they are in the thrall of an O’Reilly rant… in reply to davidb #
- @eronel I don’t know about you, but Twitter ruined me for blogging. #
- @juliakm They don’t call it (ug) “The Good Roads State” for nothing. Welcome home. 🙂 in reply to juliakm #
- Rtwt @smalljones: What Would A Dadaist Do? If Kaprow did 18 Happenings in 6 Parts today what would it be? http://tinyurl.com/18Hn6Pz #
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