Tweets from 2009-03-06

  • Can’t decide whether to pretend to ignore this bad mood, or let go and wallow. It’s sort of a lose-lose. #
  • Rtwt @jayrosen_nyu: Ppl disagreeing w/ “information wants to be free” have no idea who they are arguing against. This does not bother them. #
  • @yugen Good luck with that. (And let me know if you figure it out.) #
  • As if it wasn’t hard enough to focus today, #UNC’s 1st game in the women’s #ACC #basketball tourney starts in 10 min. #
  • Rtwt @newsobserver: Twitter boosts public access to federal courtrooms: Order in the court, including you tweeter! #
  • This is a really strange way to watch a #basketball game: #
  • Following @theACC is actually a more effective way to get #baskeball updates than the doohickeys on the ACC web site: #
  • Oh, and following @natthedem is even better. 😉 in reply to natthedem #
  • Cool. Rtwt @theACC: @ruby yup, we are having internet issues with the stat monitor, it will be back up ASAP. Stay tuned for more updates. #
  • Hey @RobMugabe, you wouldn’t happen to know anything abt the car crash that injured Morgan Tsvangirai and killed his wife, now would you? #
  • Rtwt @TheACC: Carolina takes their 1st game of the tournament 74-55. They will face the winner of MD/Wake tomorrow. #unc #women #basketball #
  • @blogdiva I like the *idea* of agile development, but the way I’ve seen it used is in lieu of adequate planning, which is no help at all. in reply to blogdiva #
  • Let’s hear it for good job applications with good ideas and good references! Another leading applicant won’t give me any refs, WTF? #
  • Rtwt @rootwork: If you’re interested in #drupal and #nonprofits, check out our meetup notes from #drupalcon #nptech #
  • Now *that’s* a draw. Rtwt @blogdiva: wow! they will actually have kid activities in #drupalcon Paris #fuckyeah #
  • @randomdeanna Hey, progressive women! Rock on with yer bad selves. #

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