Tweets from 2009-03-04

  • Ever since I upgraded @twhirl, it likes to sporadicly pretend it has no accounts upon startup. Pls don’t make me enter everything AGAIN… #
  • This #Twhirl thing is esp annoying b/c it takes forever to get all the config right, and I have to re-do it for every account each time. #
  • Rtwt @dcm: RT @lessig: Congressman John Conyers is trying to fight “open access.” Please help us fight back: #
  • Hey drupallers, what’s the recommended method for following #drupalcon from afar? I’m with y’all in spirit… #
  • Am following #drupalcon at, but have to keep working too… #
  • Rtwt @PPCNC: Welcome new Twitters. Follow Planned Parenthood of Central NC as we lobby & tweet in the NC General Assembly (NCGA). #
  • @EthanZ I’ve done that in the lobby of NYC hotels. Worked fine. You could also look up #coworking spaces… in reply to EthanZ #
  • *Standing up & waving.* RT @missmeaghan: In honor of #Women2Follow & #drupalcon, will all chick Drupal developers please stand up? #
  • @ableparris I rarely believe ppl who refer to themselves as “gurus.” The word means teacher, not self-appointed expert (that’s a “maven”). #
  • Rtwt @FORpeace: Just found @AlterNet, @MotherJones, & @TheNation. Was already following @DemocracyNow & @YesMagazine. Go progressive media! #
  • Amen! Rtwt @newsobserver: Lousy timing by ACC and officials: The ACC has an officiating problem… #
  • No duh. Rtwt @newsobserver: TV doesn’t make children age 2 and under any smarter… #
  • More from that study: TV was an indicator for other family influences that were detrimental to cognitive devm’t. #
  • My #Gmail just crashed #Firefox. Impressive level of #fail. #
  • Having a difficult time deciding whether yoga class will make me feel better or worse right now. #
  • @braineyson Sorry, but until you’ve had pubic symphesis pain, you don’t know. Plus I am especially wobbly today. #
  • @MeEloise @Braineyson My aren’t you squeamish, girls! (Look it up: Of course, I don’t get the cocktail either. 😛 in reply to MeEloise #
  • UNC 42 – VaTech 36 at halftime in the face of more miserable ACC officiating. #

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