- @hc Sorry, but I’m not understanding the use of “icy sidewalks” and “enjoying” in the same sentence. in reply to hc #
- Awww. 🙂 Retweeting @coreyr: @cwhittle nothing quite says love like cheese grits waiting for you. thanks #
- Am once again demoralized by how impressed otherwise-intelligent people are with Flash on web sites. #
- Shock. Rtwt @rosevines: Unsurprisingly, A.G.s’ report finds online bullying much bigger problem than sexual predators. http://bit.ly/qq9h #
- @madhatters Well I have been bullied online myself – by so-called adults! It’s a real problem, but only good community management can help. in reply to madhatters #
- @lintqueen What, you don’t like loud pink wallpaper? Hurting eyeballs is a totally different matter than useless Flash. 😉 in reply to lintqueen #
- CNN: Apple CEO Steve Jobs takes leave until end of June; Jobs says health issues “more complex than I originally thought.” #
- Retweeting @FORpeace: How will you observe this momentous MLK Day? We are “Rebirthing King, Rebirthing America.” http://tinyurl.com/7ryjjv #
- Just realized that this will be 1st time I have not attended the 1st term inauguration since Bush I. Was in DC for ’93 and ’01. #
- @pearlbear Well it’s easier when you can drive up to DC and back in a day. 😉 in reply to pearlbear #
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