- w00t! http://www.cytunes.org is open for business! #
- @sageaidan No, but I probably know the people who did. Doesn’t it look great? #CyTunes in reply to sageaidan #
- People in Second Life keep trying to give me antlers with x-mas lights on them. Do! Not! Want! #
- @blogdiva Midwives are a must! Some hospitals even have them now, but that partially defeats the purpose. 😉 (Congrats having a VBAC.) in reply to blogdiva #
- Hey drupal-heads: any strong opinions about Organic Groups? They seem very flexible, but I’m sure I’m missing some complications. #
- Also Nodequeue vs. Views vs. something better? #drupal #
- @shortyawards I nominate @undiplomatic for a Shorty Award in #politics because he cracks me up while keeping me well-informed. in reply to shortyawards #
- Retweeting @acarvin: Wow, @lessig is heading back to Harvard. http://tinyurl.com/5jcrjt #
- I’m going to go lie down now so I’ll have some energy for all that fun stuff going on in Carrboro tonight. #
- Yes. Things are slowing down a bit ” work so we should def do lunch soon. #
- Oops. #
- Fueled up @ Neal’s Deli. Now which party to hit first: BlogAds, The Merch, or Wootini? Carrboro = embarrassment of riches. #
- @mistersugar Are you on Facebook? That’s how I heard about it. Have to take it up w/ @hc, but it was a different (younger) crowd. in reply to mistersugar #
- Nice seeing so many good peeps tonight. Funny standing talking w/ my husband & 2 exes, but that’s small town life and we *are* grown ups. #
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