- @dsearls So glad to hear you are OK! Will be thinking of you and sending good vibes from the land of Ox Bow… #
- Wow, a handful of journalists begin to grok live blogging. We’ve got a long way to go. (Via @professorkim, who’s in the article!) #
- oops, forgot the link: http://tinyurl.com/5a8rwe #
- Funny, b/c I’ve been live blogging tonight as well. http://tinyurl.com/5lazwa #
- Laughing and feeling nostalgic with videos from the original 1986 Comic Relief (I lived in England in the 80s). I had this on cassette. #
- Um wow. "Disney presents: The story on Menstruation." This is not a joke. http://www.devilducky.com/media/43631/ #
- Just fired off (another) angry letter to our HOA). I’m so mad I volunteered for a committee! #
- OMG, I am such a heel. I AM making more than my age. Total brain fart. Whew! #
- Gonna have to shut off Twitter for while so I can #GSD. 🙁 Bye y’all. Sniff. #
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