- Saw the Audience Choice winner at Full Frame Doc Film Fest and hated it. Perhaps there’s something wrong w/me, but… well, tough. #
- @blogdiva, I’m with you: Bobby Flay is an arrogant idiot. I always change the channel if he’s on, even if it’s a show I like. #
- Ug, didn’t get much done on #orangepolitics.org election pages this weekend. Nor bills, cleaning etc. Gonna be a hectic week… #notGSD #
- Oooh, just learned that Charton Heston died. He had a good run. Think they have guns in Hell? #
- Did you you know that 17.5 yr olds can vote in the NC primary? http://www.co.orange.nc.us/elect/2008PrimarySampleBallots.asp #orangepolitics #
- Listening to muxtapes to avoid memory-hog iTunes. Suggestions? #
- Sorry the correct Heston joke should have been –> You can go ahead and pry the gun from his cold hands now. We regret the error. #
- @CPeterC, thanks I’ll add that to the queue. 😉 #
- Um, @08NTC, I think yr getting spammed. #
- @pearlbear JINX! 😀 #
- Not only is our blog down, http://www.bryght.com doesn’t even work now. This is getting ridiculous. #
- Enjoying http://dadscarradio.muxtape.com. Just wish muxtape could talk to last.fm… #
- @karitas thanks! I’ve queued those up in my ‘favorites.’ #
- @bmadder You already own the songs you post, and others can’t do anything but play them on-demand via the web. Don’t see a legal problem. #
- @edobejar Possiblemente es porque no queremos ser como una Barbie. #
- With our hosted blog and bryght.com completely down, do you think they would have some info about this on http://support.bryght.com? Nope. #
- @ntenhross Si, necesito practicar tambien. Debes leer @edobejar para nptech en español. 😉 #
- ¡Mchisimas gracias, @edobejar! #
- OMG, best muxtape of the day: http://kitschbitch.muxtape.com #
- @skeskali I know the feeling. How did I get married at all? Even my friends were surprised. #
- Thanks for bringing our site back after a 3+ hour outage, @bryght. This was one of the top 5 most important times for people visiting us. #
- We had 3x more traffic to our blog than normal last week, b/c of the King anniversary. Not a good time for flaky servers! Grrr. #
- @arsepoetica Uhm… well… I’ve had less productive days. Meetings soon, then more work. (Thx for the peer pressure.) #GSD #
- @arsepoetica Actually I’m gonna start doing election info data entry at 5. 🙁 #orangepolitics #
- Just found out we’ve been paying $800/mo for a service that was supposed to be $480. I’m looking at you #getactive. #
- @Mlsif Are you looking at state and local or just federal gov’t? #
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