Doing the 2-step

So right after my Twitter account was hacked I learned that Twitter had finally implemented 2-step authentication just days earlier. I have now turned it on, of course.

But the really gigantic part of getting hacked was losing control over my entire Dreamhost account including several websites, e-mail addresses, and domain names.  Today I learned that Dreamhost also offers 2-step authentication. But they are not doing much to encourage people to use it. I Googled and was able to find these instructions and am so relieved to have this in place now.

I already had this enabled for Google and Facebook, but now that I’m looking at it, there are many other services that offer 2-step (a.k.a. 2-factor) authentication, including Dropbox and Paypal. LinkedIn just started using it this week. I’m a little annoyed that I had to go looking to find out about many of these.

So here’s my list so far who supports 2-step:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Dreamhost
  • LinkedIn
  • Dropbox
  • PayPal/eBay

Did I forget any? The best way to find out if your favorite web service supports this is to Google “2-step” and the name of the service.