If tonight’s Town Council candidate forum at Hargraves is any indication, it will be a minor miracle if anyone is still awake to vote on November 4. This was partially the fault of the lightweight questions being asked. But there are so damn many candidates, most of them with so little of import to say, it’s hard for me to keep my attenytion focused long enough to hear the rare substantive answers.
I usually try to avoid endorsements for political purposes, but for some reason I don’t feel the need to do that this year. Therefore here are my favorites, in order: Sally Greene, Bill Strom, Cam Hill. If you tell me you voted for Doug Schworer or Diane Bachman, I will try real not to bop you upside the head, but I’m not making any promises. I will provide more on this race in the coming month including links to all the candidates and advance notice of candidate forums.