Scoble on the campaign trail?

Uberblogger Robert Scoble is traveling with the John Edwards campaign, but he’s “keeping [the blog] relatively politics free” and is “not going to write a lot about John Edwards.” Huh?

Anyway, this is the interesting part:

I’m wearing my ConvergeSouth shirt in honor of Sue Polinsky, who really is responsible for getting us in a position for me to get here.
First stop of the morning … New Orleans’ neighborhood « Scobleizer

W00t! Shoutout to Greensboro’s Converge South, and to conference diva Sue Polinsky. I can see the network forming before my eyes.

But wouldn’t it have made more sense for a blogger like Ed Cone (who has some credibility talking about politics and an interested audience) to be with him? I guess Edwards is trying to reach geeks, not Democrats. Fair enough.

7 thoughts on “Scoble on the campaign trail?

  1. Diva that I aspire to be, we’re going full force on ConvergeSouth 2007. I like having a Scoble-Edwards story coming out of our growing convergence.

    As for the political blogger thing, I think it makes more sense NOT to have a political blogger on the campaign trail. The topic isn’t (as much) politics, but the use of technology in a presidential campaign. And that’s just way cool, no?

    Scoble’s the right guy for this particular adventure and PodTech (kudos to them for backing this) is pushing the edge of the envelope.

  2. Scoble is a Internet celebrity. When Hollywood celebrities speak out in favor of a specific cause they are attacked. ex. Michael J. Fox bashed by Rush Limbaugh. Attacks by people like Limbaugh are scare tactics to prevent civic involvement by more people. Scoble should give the middle finger to these scare tactics and jump in the ring for Edwards!

    I think everyone should stop hedging their bets and speak out in a “partisan” manner for a political canidate. True that’s political and it may make you a “political” blogger, but so what? Politics is everywhere. How can you let politics effect you without being involved?

    If everyone discussed and participated in politics the BS stigma against civic engagement by celebrities and regular people would go away.

  3. But wouldn’t it have made more sense for a blogger like Ed Cone (who has some credibility talking about politics and an interested audience) to be with him? I guess Edwards is trying to reach geeks, not Democrats. Fair enough.

    Hmmm…I can’t decide if that means I don’t:
    a. have credibility talking about politics, or
    b. have an interested audience.

    Ezra Klein would have both I guess and he was there as well, not to mention a number of local bloggers at every event that got to meet with him (except Chapel Hill).

  4. True, Robert. At the time I wrote this I didn’t know there were any other bloggers there besides Scoble. And I still don’t know who all was there as there has never been a list or links published anywhere that I know of.

    It would have been cool for the Edwards campaign to set up an aggregator to highlight the blogging about the trip instead of making readers do the detective work.

  5. Good point about the aggregator. I know they eventually posted roundups of all the diaries and such, but an on-demand aggregator would have been great.

  6. Bora posted a list of links here. I think Ruby was suggesting an automated RSS feed aggregator. I think a human maintained RSS feed and other link aggregator would be very useful to the Edwards campaign.

  7. Perfect example of the need for automatic aggregating: human editing adds a lot of value, but Bora’s links are out of date now.

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