White people still don’t get it

The AP reports a study showing that white people are more likely to think they see racial progress and four times less likely to participate in MLK Day activities. And this is surprising to who, exactly?

Three-fourths of the people in this country say there has been significant progress toward equality, but only 66 percent of blacks felt that way…

Just under a fourth of the population said they planned to commemorate King’s birthday on Monday. A solid majority of blacks, 60 percent, said they would be involved…

Fewer than one in six whites, 15 percent, planned to commemorate the day, the poll found.
AP Poll: Blacks Likelier to Celebrate MLK

As is my wont, I observed the occasion with Chapel Hill’s usual progressive coalition of lefties of all flavors. The crowd included elected officials, student activists, the Chamber of Commerce, the Black Workers for Justice, the local NAACP, and the Raging Grannies. The rally was good, and moderately inclusive.

The church service always goes on too long, has more God than I like, and has more Jesus than I can stand, and this year was no exception. BUT this year we were also rocked by the radical sermon of the Rev. William Barber, recently-elected president of the North Carolina Conference of the NAACP. Most memorable line: he said he’s working on being a pacifist, but right now he’s just a “peace-ifist.” Most important lesson: “Silence [in the face of injustice] is betrayal.”

Bonus link: Download or play an MP3 of Dr. King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

3 thoughts on “White people still don’t get it

  1. Ruby,

    Maybe you should say something to Fred Battle and Bishop Gene Hatley of the Ministerial Alliance, as they are the leaders of the sponsoring organizations. Know that many at the service at First Baptist would be extremely disappointed if they didn’t hear about Jesus. And you are right, having The Rev. Dr. William Barber preach in a Baptist Church about the life of a Baptist minister, you’re going to get a lot of “God” and “Jesus.” In these troubled times, He gives strength and comfort to believers, and we need it!

    Speaking of troubled times, don’t know if you heard it on WCHL or saw it on WTVD News, but my neighborhood was targeted Monday moring with KKK flyers saying, “The King Holiday – A National Day of Disgrace!” Yep, ignorance abounds and like freedom of speech, those clowns have the right to be ignorant.

  2. Just because it’s not my cup of tea, doesn’t mean they need to change the program. Did you stay for Rev. Barber’s talk? I looked around but didn’t see you.

    Sorry about that racist crap! I wonder why they picked your neighborhood to flyer? They obviously don’t come to Northside. That incident is a good reminder that we have a long way to go, and a lot of work to do.

    Another good point that Rev. Barber made: who cares if an individual doesn’t like you? It’s when the discrimination is systematic and written into laws that we have a real problem. Our institutions of business and government are still incumbered by many kinds of prejudice which is weaved into their own infrastuctures.

  3. Yes, I was there. At my age [:-)] I can’t sit more than two hours without a trip to use the facilities. When I came back, I was sitting directly behind you and Brian.

    Dr. Barber will be good for the NC NAACP State Conference of Branches.

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