Wedding sprint

Tomorrow Brian and I will be attending the first of three weddings in as many weeks! (We are also attending at least three more weddings in the spring of 2006, not counting our own.) It’s a great thing to see so many of my friends falling in love with wonderful people.

First stop: Will and Shannon, who will get married at his family’s farm which hosts a corn maze! Will and Shannon are so cool that in their gift registry they included a suggestion to give to organizations promoting the freedom of same-sex couples to marry (which I did). This is such a good idea, we may have to borrow it for our wedding as well.

Since Will’s wedding is near Williamsburg, some of us will be stopping at Busch Gardens on the way home. Wheee!

Next up: Chris and Jennifer, who will have a laid back affair at Caffe Driade. I’m glad they’re not having a big production because I had already agreed to facilitate a session at ConvergeSouth when I got their invitation. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to do both.

The the finale: Mas and Jeanine, whose ceremony and reception will be at the Butterfly house of the Museum of Life and Science. They are so cool, they are having the boogie-licsious Countdown Quartet play at the reception.

3 thoughts on “Wedding sprint

  1. Why isn’t it a “corn maize”? šŸ™‚

    Weddings are cool – J and I have had 1) a semi-secret civil ceremony in the courthouse in Rockville, MD, 2) a wedding in a Chapel Hill bar, 3) a reaffirmation in a little wedding chapel in Cary and 4) a real (small) church wedding in Raleigh. She’s still holding out for the Elvis-impersonator drive-thru in Vegas – maybe for our 25th ann. But the butterfly house thing – that sounds cool!

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