I just upgraded my blog software from WordPress 1.5 to 2.0.1! So far so good. My theme (template design) works fine. I had to disable some of the plug-ins that don’t work on this version, but it seems like the really important ones still work or have new versions, like my favorite subscribe2 (this is the one that sends e-mails to subscribers with the content of each new post).
Now I have to decide if I should also undertake the upgrade for OrangePolitics.org. The big problem there is that the “Hot Topics” sidebar that shows the latest comments is generated by a custom plug-in and I suspect it might not work in the new WordPress. That is probably the most popular feature on the site, so I don’t want to mess with that.
I also want to put a new theme in place here on lotusmedia, but it may take a little while to get it right. So you’ve been warned if things look a little screwy here in the next few weeks. 😉
Looks good.
I am watching you…
When last time I had Blogger problems you left a comment and I responded with some questions. I may get to ask them again soon, as I consider WordPress.
Can you point out some Word Press blogs that really LOOK cool, with nice pastel colors, pretty logo on top, etc.?
Bora, check out themes.wordpress.net where you can visually browse (and download) hundreds of WP themes.
Check out this Recent Comments Plugin, which is definitely compatible with WP 2.0. It’s slightly different than what OP has now, but no worse, IMHO.
Thank you. I’ll browse those.
Thanks, Jason. That’s the plugin I use here on lotusmedia. I tested the one I use on OP and it works on WP 2 as well. So I actually have lots of options. Now I just need to find some time…
Heh, silly me using RSS to read your site or I might have noticed. 😉