- ??? RT @Chuckumentary: My god. @MCHammer is a genius marketer. Or something.
“Hit Me On Twitter !!! The Video !!!” http://mchammer.com/ # - @hollybeee Such a sad, sad story. Makes me mad abt gun control, mental health, sexuality education… What a tough job Alan has. in reply to hollybeee #
- RT @nprscottsimon: I really try not to use this forum to criticize. But does Lou Dobbs’ birth certificate say Earth? #
- Bus driver today: “another day above ground.” He meant alive, but it made me think of living underground and @neilhimself’s Neverwhere. #
- @coxn Did you ‘splain it to him/her or just ask for the boss? #dangerousHRpractices in reply to coxn #
- Ditto, Steve! Rtwt @steveburnett: @TEDxAVL Only 400 seats and no advance tickets = risk that driving from Raleigh is a wasted trip. #TEDxAVL #
- @WomenWhoTech Where’s the list? I’d be honored to be on it… in reply to WomenWhoTech #
- Rtwt @waynesutton: Day 2 of Triangle Tech Week: Westend Tweetup 7pm tonight at @CarrboroCowork #TriTech info here: http://idek.net/NEP #
- Have you ever heard of a #Drupal theme with 139 CSS files and 186 templates? I hadn’t either until now. #urdoingitwrong #
- @kellan Ha! I wish this had launched an hour ago when I was looking for CC-licensed images on Flickr. Anyway, well done. It looks great! in reply to kellan #
- @WomenWhoTech Please add me. Thanks! in reply to WomenWhoTech #
- @Katrinskaya I think she should see other people. đŸ˜‰ in reply to Katrinskaya #
- Yay, laptop is ready to be picked up at the Apple Store. Now how can I get there…? #hazardsofbustravel #
- I <3 U http://TriangleTransit.org, but your web site sucks so hard… #
- Triangle Transit’s trip finder suggests I should get out & walk 9 mi to the mall. http://is.gd/22tjz Don’t make me start the #TTAfail tag. #
- The funny thing abt this is that there IS a bus (the 412/413) that goes from Duke Hospital (near my ofc) to Southpoint (the mall). #TTAfail #
- @UrbanEliteParty Wha? Where’s the party? #wrongruby #donthollaback in reply to UrbanEliteParty #
- Yikes, just got the sched & I’m the 1st speaker at @IgniteRaleigh tmrw nite! Don’t be late & I’ll try not to suck. Preso: http://is.gd/22wE5 #
- In related news… Rtwt @IgniteRaleigh: We have opened registration for a few more tickets. http://igniteraleigh.eventbrite.com #
- Rtwt @npr2way: Breaking news: Pardons for the American journalists, North Korean media say. They’ll come home with former president Clinton. #
- Heh. Rtwt @natthedem: Now that Bill Clinton’s bringing home hostages, whatever you got Obama for his b-day pretty much pales in comparison. #
- Rtwt @LiberateLaura: There is now no reason for @Current to remain silent. C’mon new CEO Mark Rosenthal; get that press release out pronto! #
- @philklein @kanter What I crave is to be with like minds in the #nptech field. We often see each other @ events but… (1/2) in reply to philklein #
- @philklein @kanter …we’re often the ones teaching *others* and we don’t get to connect with each other. We’re the NTC veterans. (2/2) #
- @philklein I’d prefer an #unconference (eg: barcamp). There’s minimal structure, but it helps to sort people and ideas out of chaos. #nptech in reply to philklein #
- @philklein I don’t get that unconferences are presentation-oriented. They’re also an opportunity for deeper learning, conversation, fun. in reply to philklein #
- He locals, who’s coming to the #tweetup at @carrborocoworking tonight? I will be there with the babe in arms… #
- Ha, Freudian slip. Last tweet shoulda started “Hey locals…” #
- RT @BarCampRDU: just processed cancellations and now there are a couple of open spots for BarCampRDU http://barcamprdu2009.eventbrite.com #
- @knitterplease It starts in 30 minutes at @carrborocowork. @waynesutton is speaking I think. Directions at http://CarrboroCoworking.com in reply to knitterplease #
- Gotta love beig told about this morning’s discovery of baby poop on the sheets about 10 seconds before getting into bed (15 hours later). #
- Thank you! RT @wendynorris/@feminismtoday: Memo to ALL: “Personhood” measures really will hurt ALL pregnant women http://bit.ly/1a7PxJ #
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