- 1 sign that there has been a surge of new, less-geeky Twitter users is the # of errant @ messages I get. Was a trickle, now several daily. #
- Thinking of changing my username to something ppl won’t tweet at by accident. Or blocking the yoinks… #
- Rtwt @FORpeace: Active nonviolence is key in resolving the conflict over Iran’s election outcome… http://tinyurl.com/ltgs2a #iranelection #
- Finally got a chance to make my green avatar. #iranelection #
- @rootwork Amen! Who cares about number of followers if no-one is listening? I unfollow ppl who say “help me get to X followers” as a rule. in reply to rootwork #
- ! @rootwork Amen! Who cares about number of followers if no-one is listening? I unfollow ppl who say “help me get to X followers” as a rule. #
- ! @jayrosen_nyu I think because the “evidence” is not available to any media, whether they’re Iranian or otherwise. in reply to jayrosen_nyu #
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