- Sometimes there is a fine line between feeling like superwoman and feeling like a doormat. Feminists, discuss. #
- Rtwt @Jerimee: 60% of black wmn with mortgages have predatory loans. Data fr United for a Fair Economy, Community Labor United. RT @ericagee #
- Rtwt @amazonmp3: 10 free sampler albums from top-tier indie labels like Sub Pop, ANTI-, Secretly Canadian, and more. http://snurl.com/esq4f #
- Congrats Michigan State, you’re going to the final four! Good luck with UConn. #NCAA #basketball #
- Enjoying popcorn & contractions as the Carolina vs. OK game gets underway. #NCAA #baasketball #
- (Before ppl get excited, I’m not in labor. Just warm-up contractions.) #
- So so sad that Woody Durham is so far off from Time-Warner video. #CBS talking heads are idjits. #UNC #radio #basketball #
- @dweinberger Really? I’ve watched 2 eps of Dollhouse and found no there there. Really disappointed with Whedon. in reply to dweinberger #
- @dmargoliss2 Whedon still rocks out w/ stuff like @DrHorrible. If Dollhouse was supposed to be abt degrading women, he’s doing it well. 😛 in reply to dmargoliss2 #
- #UNC leading OK by abt 10 pts since the beginning of the game. Now 45-33 w/ 26 min remaining in 2nd half http://rubyurl.com/xURF #NCAA #
- Is Clark Kellogg hungry? #CBS #NCAA #
- Rtwt: @theACC: Heels up 19 with 8 left. #
- That guitar Hero commercial just scarred my psyche. #
- ThatRT: @UNCStats: Game Update: Oklahoma 60, North Carolina 72 (0:00 2nd half) http://tinyurl.com/de58v7 #
- That’s all, folks. #UNC #NCAA #final4 #basketball Rtwt: @UNCStats: Game Update: Oklahoma 60, North Carolina 72 http://tinyurl.com/de58v7 #
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