- Wow. Carrburritos is now open on Sundays & serves huevos rancheros until 2. I consider this proof that prayer works! Thank you, Jebus. #
- Hmmm. My tweets from SMS are are showing up about 6 hours after I send them! FYI, I don’t normally tweet at 2am. Is this normal, @twitter? #
- For those not following 2am tweets: Carrburritos is now open on Sundays & serves huevos rancheros until 2. I am a very happy camper. #
- @davidb You need to start a blog of grammy-isms. She’s unreal. in reply to davidb #
- Rtwt @jayrosen_nyu: GOPproblemsolver.com. Blank screen w/ “enter any problem here.” Click. Tells you how big tax cuts need to be to solve. #
- @silverbell Yes, but the soap opera character was named after a very cool tree (Jessenia), no? Plus you have “yes” in your name. 😉 in reply to silverbell #
- Cold e-mailing a generic spiel for your service to 10 staffers of a NP when you know one of them personally = marketing fail. #nptech #
- Say what you will about Dreamweaver. For its ability to find and strip out tags and attributes, I still want to marry it. #
- Retweeting @amazonmp3: Valentine’s treat – Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” FREE SONG download 2/13 & 2/14 only. http://snurl.com/bsexi #
- @rosswhite I don’t think there’s anything special about embedding video in Drupal. Just make sure you use the geekiest “Input type.” in reply to rosswhite #
- @nerdette Imagining what it would have been like if @BrianR & I had been tweeting on our 1st date (in 2003). We would *totally* do that. in reply to nerdette #
- @nerdette Oh wait, your #blinddate is a Republican? What a waste of time. Hope it’s entertaining, anyway! in reply to nerdette #
- Getting ready for HKonJ3 (huge, annual progressive rally in N.C.) tomorrow. I wish there was more logistical info on http://HKonJ.com. #
- @bakeeneitje Cool, but they charge for tracking food/calories which others do for free… in reply to bakeeneitje #
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