- Fell asleep w/ visions of baby names & breastfeeding dancing in my head. Awoke cataloging the reasons I hate staff meetings. Hmm. #
- Hey fellow preggers (@trikegirl & mrs. @chimprawk), I have made a wonderful discovery: elastic shoelaces! Now I can put on sneakers again. #
- @tbeckett Where you been? 20 weeks and counting… #
- @tbeckett We don’t even know the baby’s *last* name yet, so give us time and hold the expectations. 😉 #
- Am really getting annoyed with the guy who supposedly wants to collaborate but won’t share any info with me! I can’t help you. Moving on. #
- @fionamorgan That depends on what you are talking about. I see 4 updates on your page now. BTW, welcome to Twitter, Fiona! 😀 #
- @martin_kelley That’s just the tip of the iceberg. I use the SS dB http://is.gd/78W8 & look up names’ etymology at http://is.gd/78Wb. #
- @jhlinko H&H is the only *real* bagel place I’ve found around there, but there’s a small deli around 75th-ish on the E side of Broadway. #
- @jhlinko I agree with @mrjellied. H&H is part of the UWS experience. Plus butter on a fresh bagel is hardly a principle I’d defend. #
- Anyone know a good tool to index a web site, ie: tally & list pages, images, & maybe directories? This ought to be simple. #
- BTW @tbeckett, I love advice, especially from folks like you whose values are similar to mine. Bring it on! #
- @martin_kelley So if Google:site is to be believed, we have over 4,000 pages! http://is.gd/79cU (Already have a local site archve.) #
- @msfour Heh, I don’t think there’s any risk of that. 😉 #
- @msfour But thanks for http://nymbler.com, I hadn’t seen that before. 🙂 #
- Very good idea! Retweeting @tbeckett: …a friend used the “President test” when naming kids. Had to sound appropriate for the president… #
- @tbeckett Then again… who would have thought someone named Barack Hussein Obama could be elected presisdent? 😉 #
- @martin_kelley Good point. If it has my last name, finding him or her on Google won’t be hard. #
- @fionamorgan I can’t say Hussein is on my baby name list, but it certainly passes the president test now. I do have other Arabic words. #
- Responding to a request for instructions to our board members about how to use Facebook Causes to raise money for us. Treading carefully. #
- Retweeting @wonkette: Dick Cheney To Show Joe Biden His Lair Tomorrow… http://tinyurl.com/6osd39 #
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