All that thinking for myself was getting really tiring. Thanks for working to make sure I do as little of it as possible. Also, thanks for protecting possibly innocent children from that awful SEX – lord knows they don’t want to think about that. Violence and racism are what they want, and you’ve got it for them.
[G-105 DJ] Bob Dumas in particular has been a magnet for controversy. He upset bicyclists with comments about running them off the road and Asian-Americans with comments about what he called their unattractiveness.
But Ken Spitzer, a Clear Channel regional vice president in Raleigh, told The News & Observer on Wednesday that those broadcasts have nothing to do with the FCC’s standards governing decency.
Indecency generally refers to the explicit or graphic description or depiction of sexual or excretory organs or activities, and it is restricted to hours when it is thought that children would not be tuning in.