Well we didn’t meet two weeks ago because Second Life’s update took everything offlien for a few hours more than expected. Last week I was traveling and my co-organizer was to tired from RootsCampDC to pull it together. Now this week SL has another upgrade running over time, but it might be done any moment now.
If it comes back online before 4 pm EST, we will still be meeting. Please log in and the location will be sent to the SL Netroots group. Hope to see you there.
On the agenda: recent advocacy and education in SL including: Save the Children’s “Yack Shack”, Mansajeros de Paz’ homeless avatar, and Mia Farrow promoting Darfur awareness tomorrow.
Also, I’ll be taking suggestions for better meeting times. π
Update: the meeting will be on Commonwealth Island, and the new update to SL is *fast*! π
The update may be fast, but my download sure isn’t. I’ll be late.