Help The Coup

Wow. Two really excellent, black, political hip hop acts, Mr. Lif (who I like a lot) and The Coup (who I love), were recently in a nearly fatal bus crash that destroyed most of their equipment and many of their belongings.

Boots Riley tells the story first-hand on The Coup’s myspace blog. You can help by sending a PayPal donation to, which I just did.

We lost everything in that crash and fire. We were packed to live and do shows on that bus for a month. Most of us had every stitch of clothing we owned on there. We lost clothes, computers, recording equipment, cameras, IDs, phones, keys to cars and homes. We lost cash.We lost all our damn instruments and equipment to perform with. We were and are happy to walk away with our lives. But now we’re home. Most of the band touring with The Coup has kids, rent that won’t quit, bills, and holiday expenses coming.
The Crash, 12/8/06

Thanks to Dav for the heads up.

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