The first day of RootsCampSL was awesome! We had about 15 people (with very little notice, this is a lot) including prominent SL blogger Rik Riel, prominent nonprofit blogger Beth Kanter, and Aldon Hynes who worked on the Howard Dean and Ned Lamont Campaigns. (I can’t decide if I should share their Second Life names or real life.) We also had people from Georgia, California, Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina (not including me!), Massachusetts, and New York, as well as Canada, Italy, and Spain!
The schedule wiki is shaping up nicely with a lot of good idea from today’s participants.
On tap for tomorrow’s meeting: 2006 Debrief & Discuss. We started to do this today but didn’t have time, so tomorrow we’ll take an hour or two and hear from eachother about the elections in our own states and any other races that we were paying special attention to. This will be an opportunity to share our personal experiences and any lessons learned. Its starts tomorrow (Thursday) at 4pm EST on Better World Island.
Some of the other possible sessions include:
* Accountability in the electoral system. Discussion with Rob Stuart of
* Technology Tools for 2008 Discussions with Peter Leyden of the New Politics Institute
* State/regional caucuses. Led by local bloggers and organizers.
* The brave new world of virtual campaigns. How should SL be used by progressive organizers?
* New to Second Life? Discuss basic how-to’s and find out about some of the great stuff already going on in-world. Led by Ruby Sinreich.
* Social networking as a campaign tool. Led by Fred Stutzman (invited).
* Rumsfeld is gone, now how do we get out of Iraq? Invite Bring Them Home Now, Stan Goff, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows.
* Using Machinima to create political and social change videos. Rik?
* Concerts in SL: Concerts for Change, Music for America, U2inSL as possible speakers
* Debriefing from the Lamont Campaign: Aldon
* Fixing the voting process Discussion about fusion & runoff voting, electronic voting, etc. Inviting National Committee for Voting Integrity, Other thoughts? Contact Aaron.
Prominent? Thanks! Uploaded a bunch of photos from this evening. If I had more time, was gonna do a little machinima of stills .. not quite machinima?