Published today in the Chapel Hill News:
This year’s local elections offer voters some important choices in our community’s leadership. The towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro have made important progress in managing growth, supporting affordable housing, investing in our community and taking principled stands on issues of concern to our state and nation.
However, we have also made some mistakes. Chapel Hill has been sliding down a slippery slope from progressive role model to bland suburban enclave. Recently our Town Council has begun to legislate non-issues, such as fires in bars and red-light running. With the largest single development in the history of our town looming at Carolina North, can this possibly be best use of the council’s time?
Since we do not get a choice about our mayor this year, it is vitally important that we express our values by electing strong leaders for the Chapel Hill Town Council. Please join me in voting for Sally Greene, Bill Strom, and Cam Hill — three leaders with strength, vision and good ideas.
Also, I would ask my neighbors in Carrboro to vote for Mark Chilton and the two incumbent aldermen as well as Mayor Mike Nelson to continue Carrboro’s role as a progressive leader of communities in the South.
— Ruby Sinreich, Chapel Hill