Meet the Web Maven

You may recall that I was laid off by Planned Parenthood last summer, started consulting again, and then took a new job with Aspiration back in September. Well, sooner than I had planned, it’s now time for a new chapter.

The Aspiration job was appealing to me, but I also had some concerns that it would take me away from activism and politics and would instead develop my more technical side, which is not a prioritiy for me right now. I should have trusted my own instincts. It turned out that all of my fears about the job were spot-on. I was spending time developing software instead of connecting people. I realized after about a month that this job was just not right for me and I quickly informed my fabulous supervisor Gunner.

I thought I would return to consulting, so my next step was to start looking around for other opportunities. One of the first calls I made was to my colleague Marty Kearns at Green Media Toolshed. Marty was the source of my original epiphany about network-centric advocacy as well as lots of other good ideas and opportunities. He had been working on developing a new consultancy to focus on NetCentric Campaigns.

Marty told me about this project last summer, and expressed his hope that I could be hired or contracted to do much of the work. Unfortunately in late August (when I was offerred the job at Aspiration) the NetCentric project was still unfunded and could make no committments. But when I called him in October, contracts were coming into place and Marty was beginning to wonder how all of this work would get done. We were both very happy to hear from each other. 😉

And so begins a happy new chapter in the story of my life. Starting part-time this week (full-time 11/15/05), I will hold the position of Web Maven at the NetCentric Campaigns division of Green Media Toolshed! I will be working to craft large, effective movements for progressive social, political, and environmental change. This is a position that will allow me to focus on my passions, develop my skills as an effective online organizer, and implement strategic initiatives to change the world. Oh, and travel, and work from home (both of which I love). I couldn’t ask for anything more.

7 thoughts on “Meet the Web Maven

  1. Wow, so much change. Congrats. Seems like just yesterday we were traipsing around SF and having dinner at the Stinking Rose. Be sure to come back sometime.

  2. Sounds like fun!

    Seriously, I think the Town of Chapel Hill is about the most conservative and restrictive boss I could ever imagine having. I see a long life of “consulting” ahead for me.

    Maybe I’ll found that giant progressive thinktank that Carrboro so desperately wants to bring in. Of course, I think such a thing isn’t too far off from the type of jobs I’d like to be bringing in to Chapel Hill, either.

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