
By the way, I am deeply in love with this DC Metro map that uses Google to show actual streets (not theoretical station locations) and can zoom in and out, etc. And I don’t want to leave out the very helpful Station Masters Online, which I have been using for years.

And in case you’re wondering, DC is fine. Since my new employer doesn’t put me up in hotels like a rock star, I am staying with my wonderful friend Rickie and commuting on the Metro like everyone else. I really enjoy my little part-time life as a metropolitan city dweller, but also I love that I get to go back to my cozy home after a few days of it each month.

3 thoughts on “MapLuv

  1. Hey Ruby:

    Congratulations on the new job! Welcome to DC and the two-city life. integrates metro stations and some other transit options into its street maps. Nice when you’re travelling and don’t want to track down a Google mash-up.
    Useful until Google rolls out its transit project beyond Portland.

  2. Subways are the absolute best. In the case of Atlanta, I don’t know what to call it, as it’s mainly elevated, at least on the line I use. But I do feel very metropolitan!

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