It must be my birthday

…because this is a great present: the Tap is back!

The mock heavy metal group immortalized in the 1984 mockumentary, “This is Spinal Tap,” will reunite for a performance at Wembley Stadium in London as part of the Live Earth concerts scheduled worldwide for July 7.

The original members of Spinal Tap will be there: guitarist Nigel Tufnel (played by Christopher Guest), singer David St. Hubbins (Michael McKean) and bassist Derek Smalls (Harry Shearer). Rob Reiner, who both directed “This is Spinal Tap” and played the fake documentarian Marty DeBergi in the film, will also be in attendance.


Spinal Tap has reunited several times since the film, but hasn’t for a number of years. For the band — whose last album was 1992’s “Break like the Wind” — the occasion warranted a new single: “Warmer Than Hell.”

Mock metal group Spinal Tap to reunite

It actually is my birthday, by the way. I’m six squared.

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