Turns out Kevin Smith has a WordPress blog. And his wedding anniversary is on my birthday. And he got to see Revenge of the Sith on said day. And he posted a pretty good review, with spoilers. All of this is in one post.
I’m really excited about the potential for this one to suck a lot less than the last two. As Smith says, “this is a movie I was genetically predisposed to love.” I was raised on Star Wars. It’s in my blood. No matter how bad they are, I have to go and see this fundamental mythology played out on the screen.
The part of the storyline most interesting to me is how Luke Leia got born and then were split up. Sadly, the kids do not even appear in the trailers, so I’m expecting this plotline to be pretty minimal in the film. Everyone else seems very interested in how Annakin becomes evil. This part just seems obvious to me. We already saw him being impatient and arrogant.
From a Buddhist perspective, you can see him doing everything wrong. The “three poisons” are anger (hatred), desire (attachment or greed), and delusion (ignorance). Annakin is rockin’ all three, so what you think will happen? I don’t find it hard to see how those bad ideas could take over and eradicate his humanity.
To quote the Simpsons’ Comic Book Guy after Star Wars I: “Worst. Star Wars Movie. Ever. I’ll only pay to see it two or three more times.”
Where once I flew to them in wonder, I now slowly drive to the theater in dread, sort of like tasting from that milk carton that you’re sure is too old. You know you’ve got to try it but you’re pretty sure it’s gonna suck.