I’ve been doing a few presentations lately that include the basics of network-centric organizing, so I thought it would be helpful to post a refresher here. With props, as always, to Marty Kearns from whom I learned a lot of this.
Update 6/25/10: Here’s the latest version of my presentation on network-centric thinking: https://lotusmedia.org/how-to-keep-thinking-like-a-network
Update 5/22/08: Now you can watch the presentation, which makes very little sense without me talking.
Five aspects of effective networks
- Strong social ties
- Personal relationships
- Trust
- Awareness
- Dense communication grid
- Online & offline
- One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many
- For example
- Blogs, forums
- E-mail, IM, SMS
- Face-to-face
- Common story
- Shared values
- Collective narrative
- Culture of sharing
- For example
- Data, information
- Skills & expertise
- Money
- Space
- Network awareness
- Feeling like a member
- Knowing what the network is for
Here are some more resources to learn more about network-centric organizing strategies:
- Earlier presentations on this topic: https://lotusmedia.org/advocacy-20-the-slideshow (slides) & https://lotusmedia.org/ruby-goes-to-class (video) &
https://lotusmedia.org/civic-engagement-and-technology (with helpful links) - Blogging tips: https://lotusmedia.org/so-you-wanna-start-an-advocacy-blog
- Network-centric approach to politics: https://lotusmedia.org/the-political-cluetrain
- Background reading: https://lotusmedia.org/network-centric-reading-list
- Marty Kearns’ widsom: http://advocacy20.org & http://netcentriccampaigns.org
… and more in my “Advocacy 2.0” category on this blog: https://lotusmedia.org/in/nptech/advocacy/
Why don’t you do a slideshare cast of it? WOuld love to hear you present it.
I’m giving a much shorter version of this talk at http://IgniteRaleigh.com. Here’s the required 20 slides: