The glass ceiling is green

This just in from Idealist:

A study conducted by North Carolina’s News-Recordhas found that gender-based pay discrepancies are persisting in the state’s nonprofit sector. In over 220 organizations surveyed, women executive directors earned an average of some 40 percent less than their male counterparts. Why the salaries are so divergent continues to be a topic of debate.

“A topic of debate?” No wonder it hasn’t changed. It should be a topic of outrage.

OK, I calmed down and looked at the actual N&R study, and it turns out they only looked at organizations in the Triad region who’s Directors make over 50k! Why? This study seems more for the benefit of business leaders than for nonprofit staff or leaders.

But then again…

A study released in February by The NonProfit Times reported that male executive directors earned an average of $108,555 last year, while women received about $77,000.

Another study, performed in 2002 by GuideStar, found that men who lead agencies earn 40 percent more than women. The study also found that men out earned women in every category of assets, from the smallest to the largest organizations.
N & R

But seriously, the gender gap isn’t news! What’s surpising is that many of the women quoted in the story were so ho-hum about it.

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