RootsCampSL starts in 48 hours!

See my last post for more information about RootsCampSL. I’ve posted some graphics on Flickr, please post one on your blogs and link back to our wiki:


How to get involved:

  1. Come to the kick-off event Wednesday 11/8/06 at 4pm EST on Better World Island.
  2. Visit the wiki page for RootsCampSL, where you can make suggestions and add yourself to the attendee list
  3. Join our Google Group and help us organize the event(s).
  4. If you are already a member of SecondLife, join our group “SL Netroots”.
  5. Spread the word by sending this link to your friends:

2 thoughts on “RootsCampSL starts in 48 hours!

  1. It’s been very surreal running into you in SL. Thanks for the Roots Camp t-shirt (which doesn’t really exist). I’m still a little wigged out by the metaphysical implications of all this, but political activism in a virtual world makes me feel all post-millenial and science fictiony in the best way. Good luck with it! Glad we could chat.

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