Obama fans get their reggaeton on

Cross-posted at techPresident.

Warning: visiting the front page of Amigos de Obama will cause an enthusiastic reggaeton paean in Spanglish to Barack Obama to start playing and offer you no way to stop it. Which is why I recommend you skip right to the about page, which contains the lyrics (excerpted below) and explains how the words came to the (anonymous?) author in February after having been inspired by the candidate’s “authentic” message. Gosh, where do you think he picked up that talking point?

Anyway, the interesting tech angle is that you can also download an MP3 or put the ringtone on your phone.

Having lived in Miami for 5 years, I do speak a little Spanglish. And of course I love to see people doing their own thing instead of just being tools for the campaign. So I think this is cute, and might even help a little down the path of people spreading the word within their own communities, although the message is not really very unique.

Dicen que no contamos…
Invisibles porque no votamos…
Pero aqui estamos y todo esto va cambiar…
We did the marchas y ahora vamos a votar.
Listen to me gente, es tiempo para algo diferente..
What we need is un nuevo presidente…
Como Se Dice…Como Se llama?
OBAMA! OBAMA! (Repeat)

Amigos de Obama

Ruby’s gringa translation:
They say we don’t count…
Invisible because we don’t vote…
But here we are and all of this will change…
We did the marches and now we’re going to vote.
Listen to me people, it’s time for something different.
What we need is a new president.

How do you say it*… What’s he called?

* Or: What’s it called

[Via Wonkette.]

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