For a work-related project I recently started compiling a reading list for someone looking to learn about network-centric advocacy. I thought I’d post it here and see if you readers have any additions to suggest. (Also, if you’re still trying to figure out what I do for living, read the first one, it’s a quick intro by my boss to what we do consulting on.)
- Top Ten Rules for the Movement in the Age of Connectivity (quick list)
- Movement as Network (web site)
- Network-Centric Thinking: The Internet’s Challenge to Ego-Centric Institutions (article)
- Power to the Edges (report)
- Applying network models to political organizing (article)
- Members Unite! You have nothing to lose but your newsletters and crappy coffee-cup premiums… (article)
- Networks: The Ecology of the Movements (book chapter)
- Smart mobs (blog)
- Many-to-many (blog)
- Network-centric advocacy (my brilliant boss’ blog 😉 )
Also if you’re interested in such things, I have started aggregating blogs on this topic at NetCentric Campaigns.
Thank you for putting all this together. Great resource.