Check out some Hip Hop, Rock, & Newsreels for $7 to benefit and celebrate the N.C. Independent Media Center this Tuesday at Local 506.
On Tuesday, April 15, at 9:00 PM, the North Carolina Independent Media Center will be having its One Year Anniversary Bash! Join NC Indymedia for a night of music, movies, and celebration!
On April 11th, 2002 the North Carolina Independent Media Center opened its doors to the public at the Internationalist Bookstore in Chapel Hill. In its first year, it produced over a dozen short documentaries, nearly two hundred online news stories, and grew into a network with working groups now in Wilmington and Greensboro. For our first year’s anniversary, we decided to have a party.
There will be various Indymedia movies along with local DJs, Hip Hop, and Rock & Roll bands. There are a total of six acts billed and several short videos, so get there early. The event will be at Chapel Hill’s Local 506
at 506 W. Franklin Street. Admission will be seven bucks and all proceeds will go to benefit the North Carolina Independent Media Center. Support
your local music scene and support local independent media.Scheduled to appear are the following:
Kevin Hill;
DJ Chela;
The Sleepies;
Brother Reade;
DJ One Duran;
Common Ground;
Other Acts TBA
The North Carolina Independent Media Center (NC-IMC) is a non-profit collective of North Carolina independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network.