Dean for America, again

Trust me, I am no Deaniac cheerleader. As I have written many times, the Democratic Party has to stand up for for progessive values or sit down and get the hell out of the way. With the increasing consolidation of power in the Whitehouse and the clear indication that Bush is unrestrained by morals, international law, or the Constitution of the United States, it is imperative that we have some national leaders who speak out against this in a credible way.

I think Howard Dean would make a grat chair for the Democrats: his politics are moderate, but his values are fully engaged. He listens to George Lakoff. Plus he has shown us that he he can do grassroots organizing and get the positive value of the Internet and free speech to a campaign. These are two critical strategic elements that the old Dems simply can’t understand, in spite of recent efforts.

So at I found the following list of voting DNC members representing North Carolina. Why not drop them a line? If you don’t live here, find your own

Barbara K. Allen
220 Hillsborough St.
Raleigh, NC 27603

Jerry Meek
c/o North Carolina Democratic Party
Raleigh, NC 27603

Dr. Jeanette Council
3310 Lake Bend Dr.
Fayetteville, NC 28311

Muriel K. Offerman
105 Schaffer Close
Cary, NC 27511

David Parker
PO Box 112
Statesville, NC 28687

Everett Ward
3112 Falconhurst Dr.
Wake Forest, NC 27587